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Fitness to Practice

“Your Health is your Wealth, Be careful who you entrust it to!”

The Profession of Counselling and Psychotherapy has become contaminated by various other non-regulated entities and non-accredited treatments.

This makes it exceedingly difficult for the vulnerable person seeking help.

Various therapies promise magical cures and instant remedies and end up being a waste of time to the person in need.

Psychotherapy is a specific profession where practitioners are trained specifically to treat psychological difficulties and disorders and are monitored and regulated throughout their training, ongoing development and over their career.

There has been an influx of non-regulated therapist operating in the psychological field who are not regulated of governed by a governing body who is separate to their training institution.

When you are considering Psychological Treatment or assistance, please ensure the person is (1) Specifically trained in Psychotherapy by a recognized University, (2) are accredited by a recognized governing body (IACP or IAHIP in Ireland) and have completed 400hrs post qualification), (3) are in regular supervision and ongoing Professional Development (4) Governed by a code of ethics.

Buyer Beware:

The latest online marketing practice is to sell you a “Health and Wellness Package” this is an upfront payment for an 8 week session package, or a specialist 12 week combined program to suit you and your difficulty.

These Marketing organization are self-regulated and self-Accredited (The Blind Leading the Blind) 

And are designed to extract your monies upfront for a non-Psychotherapy Accredited Product.

There is a disclaimer warning at the end of their website (Most do not have any website and are offered via Instagram and Fakebook.

The contents on this website are based on opinions and experience. The information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional, and is not intended as medical advice. You should always follow the advice of your medical practitioner.

“Your Health is your Wealth, Be careful who you entrust it to!”
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David O’Farrell – Mind & Body Solutions
Milltown, Tuam, Co. Galway
Tel: 085 7637059

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